Companies which
appear in the guide are placed in categories. Food Beverage
Guide is organized by product category.
We believe it making the guide easy and friendly to use.
So, anyone who want submit their company in our guide must follow
three simple steps:
1st Step : See if your company exist in FBGuide.
2nd Step: Find your product category in FBGuide.
Finding an category for your company is important of all the process.
Secondary, you must find the right subcategory. Be carefully, select the
most matching subcategory to your company.
You can select more than one subcategory.
3rd Step: Add your company from the right subcategory for you.
Add your company from the subcategory you think most appropriate.
on the "Add your company" link at the top right of that subcategory page.
Then fill an online form asking for information about your company.